
Fireworks Notice:

The Town of Scott follows the State & County Statutes for the use of fireworks (sparklers, snakes, etc.).                            The Town does not issue permits for purchasing or lighting off fireworks.

Yard Waste Disposal Site:

Yard Waste Disposal Site will be open for Christmas Trees from December 26, 2023 thru January 14, 2024.

Burning Notice:

The Town of Scott allows burning of leaves, grass clippings, branches, and clean wood. You must call the New Franken Fire Chief Kevin Tielens (920-660-1208) and the non-emergency Sheriff Dispatch (920-391-7450) PRIOR TO BURNING! If non-notification to the Fire Department and the Sheriff Department results in a fire run to your residence, YOU WILL BE CHARGED FOR THE SERVICE.

As an alternative to burning, the Town of Scott also encourages you to use our Yard Waste Site for leaves, grass clippings and small branches. The Yard Waste Site is open approximately April 1 through November 15, Wednesdays from 3-7 pm, Saturday from 10 am-3 pm and Sunday from 10 am-3 pm.